Using Lil' Vector: Configuring Your Image's Metadata

screenshot of the edit metadata dialog
The Image Metadata Dialog


Metadata is information about some information - in the case of image files, it's supplementary information about the image stored within that file, such as a plain text description of the image, who made it, and the title of the work. None of this is displayed when the file is used normally, but specialized software (such as search engines) can use it to help them sort out different types of images.

As shown above, Lil' Vector provides you with the means to add some supplementary information to your image. You may give your piece a title, description, and you may also provide a URL to the license your image is under.

To help with the latter, you can click the button marked "Presets" to choose between a small selection of popular open source licenses. Upon selecting a license, their URL will be added to the appropriate field.

A Reminder

Lil' Vector is capable of exporting your work to formats that don't have the ability to store metadata. When you save to those formats, any metadata you've entered will simply be ignored.

Of the formats currently supported, only the SVG and LVPF formats can store metadata.